lunes, 29 de abril de 2019


In my life, my father has adopted a lot of cats, the first was Tom, later Sasha, Niño, Plomo, Niña, Ringo, among others, the last is Florencia, and always I saw like he took care and loved his pets, that’s why I grew fond of cats.

 Now, I have a cat, his name is Clever, he lives with my boyfriend José, we adopted Clever the last week of February of this year, and when we adopt it, He was a coward and shy cat, but over time he became more trustfull, and now he is so cute, loving, beautiful and perfect cat.

We tell that is “alzado” because he purrs all day,and he loves when I tookin my arms, and all the nights he sleep in the bed and when you are slept start to lick your face and later he bite you ear!
He is so special because he's inocent,he has never attacked anyone, he does not know how to use his claws, and he loves lay down with us.
 I love him!

6 comentarios:

  1. your cat is very cute!. Clever is a nice name

  2. The pictures of your cat are beautiful!

  3. you're so lucky your cat doesn't like to scratch, that's of my cats is addicted to bite :(

  4. Your cat is so cute, and funny, I love him. And the best is his name jajajaa
