lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2019

Someone I would like to meet

Imagen relacionadaHello guys! How are u? today I talk about Someone that I want meet.
When I read this post, I didn't know who to choose, I was Thinking in Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe or someone actor of Harry Potter saga, but finally I decided Eddie Redmayne. Because I know a lot of his movies and I admire so much his work.
Eddie Redmayne is a British actor known for “Fantastic Beasts and where to find them”, “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald”, “The Danish Girl” and others movies, and He was nominated a prices like Oscar’s Awards, Golden Globe Awards, in the category “Best Actor” and He won the two awards.
I want meet Eddie because I think that He are so funny, nice, lovely and an interesting man. For example, you can talk a lot of hour many topics and never stop, if I have a date with Ed, I would be so nervous but finally we laught a lot and eat a lot too.
Also he is Capricorn and I love meet new people of this zodiac sign.

lunes, 26 de agosto de 2019

Best Concert Ever

Imagen relacionadaThis concert was in july of  the year 2016 in La Serena, Chile in VGA plot, and I was 16 years old. The name of the concert was "Cumbre cucarra" and the event consisted in a  fair, party and big concert with the most important  cumbia chilena bands like "Combo tortuga", "Villa Cariño", "Bloque 8", "Chico Trujillo", "SantaFeria" "Guachupe" and others Regional Cumbia's bands.
I love (really love) Cumbia music because you can sing with this, dance and it is a space of relaxing and funny time. Well, I'm from La Serena and I hadn't seen any of these bands in concert( wich by the way we are my favorite) never before, and I was so excited for this occasion.
I bought my ticket, and with a friends group  arrived this day and  GUES WHAT HAPPEN! the event has only for over 18 years because there was a open bar, and they didn't let us pass, OMG! So a guard who was tired and angry say: OK, let pass. And this afternoon he turned on nigh and I dance an sing until 5 o' clock.
I knew all songs and the people are very motivated. a great night.

lunes, 19 de agosto de 2019

a country I would like to visit

 Hello people. I'M BACK!
A country I like to visit is Turkey, because I love the Turkey culture, his history, architecture, and his natural landscapes. I kwom a little bit of the country, I kwon that is so big country and travel to this play is so expensive, and you need a lot of time for kwow all regions and places, also communicate with the people is difficult because they speaking turkish, and few people twos spanish or english language.  But once time I saw a  Trip documental about this and I fall in love of Turkey, specially two places: Cappadocia and Pamukkale, in Cappadocia you can fly in a hot air ballon in the middle of desert an see the sunshine or sunset in the same time that others balloons, its so beautiful because all the colors ant the sun.... It's so special. And Pamukkale is apodad that cotton castle because is a  natural park pool totally white and in this place you can get in to the pool and walk in the middle natural stairs, and the local people say that water of Pamukkale have healing properties.
I visit turkey only for vacations with my friends or boyfriend, but never, live here, I don't like the language!


domingo, 11 de agosto de 2019

A picture I like and its story

This picture is too important to me, because  is of my last birthday in October 31, my boyfriend took it, and inside is my grandma Clara, my mom Yesica and my brother Nicolás,things to eat, and my cake with candles. My birthay is a important day and also usually a week, in that always is holiday and I stay a lot of days  in home, We have a lot of traditions, for example, we always make a cake, in which I choose the flavor and design, and we made a tea to celebrate, the last  birthday it was different, because was my first year in Santiago and I missed them so much. I love  so much, this is the only one picture in that they are togheter and smiling.

lunes, 29 de abril de 2019


In my life, my father has adopted a lot of cats, the first was Tom, later Sasha, Niño, Plomo, Niña, Ringo, among others, the last is Florencia, and always I saw like he took care and loved his pets, that’s why I grew fond of cats.

 Now, I have a cat, his name is Clever, he lives with my boyfriend José, we adopted Clever the last week of February of this year, and when we adopt it, He was a coward and shy cat, but over time he became more trustfull, and now he is so cute, loving, beautiful and perfect cat.

We tell that is “alzado” because he purrs all day,and he loves when I tookin my arms, and all the nights he sleep in the bed and when you are slept start to lick your face and later he bite you ear!
He is so special because he's inocent,he has never attacked anyone, he does not know how to use his claws, and he loves lay down with us.
 I love him!

lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

My favorite Electrical appliance

My favorite piece of technology is the microwave, I  because i love eat, and the microwave warm up the food in way easy and fast and you don’t have risk that burn or dry the food. Is too easy for use, because the only what yo do is open the door, put on plate in the microwave, select how (because you can defrost, cook, or make popcorn!), select the time and press the button of start and the machine notify when is ready.I use all days themicrowave, in the morning i warm up a glass of milk, in middle day heat up lunch.

I have microwave in the house from 2010 when my dad bought one white microwave. Well I remember when I’m a child and in my house there wasn’t microwave and my mom, taken  to a long time to warm up the rice in a pot, the potatoes in other and the chiken in a roaster, and if she got distracted, the food burns and expeled a disagreeable smell.

lunes, 15 de abril de 2019

Why did you choose the career you're studying?

Well, when I was child always wanted to be a chef, because i love eat and food (now I loves too), and I was dreamed that I travel to the world cooking  in a cruise. But when I grew up, I want to reporter, lawyer and musician.
When I made the decision about my studies, I thinking music, psychology or philosophy. But i want with all my heart be selected in Acting. Because when I was in third year of high school I made the decision, I really want studing acting, the reason is that I love arts, and I think the teather take a little of each art. Use music, visual art and in ocassions dance.
My experience in the university it has been hard, because in this career  you always feeling emotions and sometimes isn’t beautiful. But my classmates are amazing I love all of them, and   although usually they stress me, we have started  several projects togheter.
I will like come back to the north, and create children’s academy and schools of acting. To let me act too. with regional companies and live from that.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2019


Hello everybody!
 My name is Mariana Campos Pérez and I was born in La Serena, Chile, 19 years ago, and I living in this city untill begining to the last year.
My family is my mom Yesica,  my dad Jaime, mybrother Nicolas, my two grandmas Clara And Amanda, and a lot of dad cats.
I grown up close to the beach and the valley, and  always I was to restless girl, that for this reason i practice a lot of sports swimming, karate, ballet, urban dances, volleyball and handball.
I studied in Elena Bettini School and when I was finish, I give the Special exams to study Acting in Universidad de Chile and I was selected. For that reason I must be living to Santiago. Now I'm living in San Miguel with my classmates Cata and Raul, and have a cat with my boyfriend.

lunes, 1 de abril de 2019

Opinion about learning english

1. it´s easy for me to learn how can i say the differents words, the pronunciation is too easy for me. For example when i learn a new word i can pronounce inmediatly.

2. it's hard for me to learn to combine verbs and write phrases, for example, I always write wrong do when is does.

3. Something I want to learn in this course is speaking english  in a fluid way, so if someone talk me on english,  I will be able answer to his question understandable.

4. I learn best in classes where the teacher  explain with examples, and i can generate a image in my mind, for example when speak abaout actions imagine  someone do this actions, like "he ride a horse" i can see a man on a horse.

5. I participate more in class when the lesson is about names of things,  family, translate of  words, for example i remember when a friend asked me how can she said "barrio" and i say neighborhood.